Classes with Sara Kramer

Improve the Way You Give Birth Forever!

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Sara Kramer talks with CBS News about HypnoBirthing


Sara Kramer has helped in over 1,700 happy births and counting. HypnoBirthing classes will make a meaningful difference to you & your baby's birthing experience.


Ema’s Birth-Genesis and Jasper


Birthing Is

Birth is a natural process that the body is perfectly able to carry out smoothly, safely, and without severe pain. Unfortunately, misinformation creates fear that hold the body back from birthing in the way nature intended. These fears and negative anticipation tighten up the birthing muscles and stimulate the stress response. When mommy is stressed, baby is stressed. Often, the fetal monitor will pick it up and interventions will be recommended. This is the cause of many medical interventions that could have easily been avoided if the mommy was prepared and knew how to remain calm and relaxed. Sounds simple? In fact, with HypnoBirthing practices and techniques that you will learn during classes, you will see just how easy and natural it is to get into that calm and relaxing state which makes labor smooth so as not to warrant any medical interventions. Your baby should be given every chance to be born in the most natural way. 


Course Schedule

See the current schedule and a class by class topics breakdown.



Read the amazing birth stories from Moms who took this course.



A list of commonly asked questions and answers by Sara Kramer.


Women Who Took HypnoBirthing Courses

Women who took HypnoBirthing course saw a 47% Decrease in C-Sections. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends no more than 10%-15% c-section rate. The Cesarean rate in the USA is 32%. 

Women Who Did NOT Take HypnoBirthing Courses

While many women legitimately need a C-Section for their health and the healthy birth of their baby, many could have birth vaginally if they had more information and preparation.

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and personally get to know
Sara Kramer today.